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New Year, New You?

tangible techniques Jul 09, 2022

Are you making resolutions? Thinking about ALL the things you want to change? Looking back at 2021 and delving into all the things that “didn’t” get done? 


What if, instead of making “resolutions” that add things to your plate (“Work out more” “Be consistent with meal prep” “Get better at saving money”)  you choose a few things to REMOVE from your plate?


Instead of trying to “create” a new you, how about removing the obstacles that are blocking your true self? Ask yourself this question: “What will I  take OFF my plate to create space to allow the best version of me to break through?”


This year I am working on BELIEFS…I’m taking beliefs off my plate that no longer serve me and end up choking the life out of my highest self. These beliefs tend to be UNTRUE, old, and often planted by parents or peers, or friends. Sometimes the person was being malicious (the bully from middle school) but often the person thought they were being funny or helpful (“You are just not good at math honey, that’s OK.”) 


Mine your brain for old beliefs. Write them out, and pick a few you KNOW are both UNTRUE and NOT USEFUL. Decide to let them go. You can do that. Decide and be done with it.  Here are mine for 2022:


1.  I’m not doing enough

There are many versions of this – I’m not doing enough as a: Mom, friend, girlfriend, daughter, employee, or business owner. On and on. Where does this show up for you? Pick one area where “I’m not doing enough” shows up. I’ve chosen my business for 2022. I’m doing enough. Period. End of story. Whatever the “experts” say about how much I should blog or post or charge…I’m done. I’m doing enough.


2.  I NEVER have enough money

Really? So, the electricity just got shut off and they are ready to re-possess my car? Not likely if I have time to write this (and by extension, if you have time to read this, you either had electricity to charge your phone or your computer). Is it True that you “never have enough money?” Look at the BELIEF. It’s not about a spreadsheet or getting your finances in order or selling off a kid…if you ALWAYS tell yourself there is not enough, then your brain will look for (and certainly find) proof. What if you had enough for right now? Start at this moment…stretch it to THIS DAY. And quit telling yourself there is not enough. “For today, I have enough money to do what I want and need to do.”


3. I can’t rest until ________ is done. 

Seriously. When is it ever ALL done? Why do I need to “earn” my rest time? How come I can’t just rest If I feel like it? Why not plan rest the same way I plan work and meals and other “tasks.” Making rest a priority is, well, a priority. So, I’m giving up telling myself I can’t rest unless… I’ll rest when I feel like it.


Resolutions, according to the dictionary, are, “A firm decision to do or not do something.” It comes from the Latin, resolvere  “loosen, release.” But here’s the thing, before the ACTION, must come a feeling and before that a thought that serves. So, if you are thinking, “I’m not doing enough” you will never get to the action of “doing more.” I challenge you, for 2022, start with a belief.  Actions will change because of new beliefs. Promise.


And if you would like help mining those old beliefs and creating new ones that serve, let’s talk. Nothing like a free call with a Stress Management Coach to discover all those thoughts holding you back. Happy New Year!!


Want to know more about what I do? Try my new course,

"Stress and Overwhelm: Causes, Cures and Coping."

In it you will find neuroscience, practices and my signature sense of humor. All at your fingertips in the Kajabi app.



I also offer 1:1 coaching for physical therapists and other people in health care who want to love their life, jobs and career again. If you’ve been thinking, “All I need is a new job, new career, new something and I’ll feel better”… I can help you feel better right now, right HERE. 


Click the link to book a free 45 minute stress-assessment call and get started on your unique plan. 




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