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Jun 19, 2023

I am obsessed with the concept of Grace these days. Why?

This is part two of a four-part series: Grief, Grace, Gratitude and Growth. This series came about as I’ve struggled with the inevitable loss of my dog, Trooper. Watching his slow decline got me thinking about grief. And then what? We grieve and then…move on? Get over it? Figure it out?

I did not want to sit in grief until his inevitable journey off this earth. Right now, I allow grief when it comes and hope for grace the rest of the time.

What does that mean though? Grace?

In the yogic tradition grace is often associated with Lakshmi, the goddess of abundance and good fortune. According to Merriam-Webster, grace is "unmerited divine assistance given to humans. 


Douglas Brooks writes in a favorite text of mine, “The nature of life is change.” To me, the ability to accept change epitomizes grace.


I’ve decided that giving myself grace, both during the hard times and after the loss, is an act of self-love. I get to allow grace, no apologies or explanations required.


How does grace look? Feel?


For me, grace is a gift we give ourselves. Grace to be myself. Grace to succeed OR fail…either way I’m out there taking a swing at the ball, HARD. Grace to love my children so hard AND sometimes fall short as a mom (yes, I drove her to get the belly button piercing). Grace to enjoy life AND complain sometimes. Grace to be in love AND question if I’m worthy or capable of doing it right. Grace to hold back OR plow forward, it’s up to me.


Life takes place on BOTH sides of the court…and when I ALLOW, when I give myself grace, I am calmer. Notice I didn’t say happier. Because I’m only happy half the time. I’m crabby AF the other half. And I’m calm because I allow feelings. I give myself grace for all the emotions. And guess what? Sometimes I hit an ace and sometimes, the ball sinks right into the net.


As a person who allows feelings and gives grace for the entire wheel of possibilities, I tend to be even keel. For that grace, I get put in charge of committees, get to be a go between with my children and their father and always make the dinner reservations. Not always fun, see?


And that’s the rub about grace…when I give myself grace, I get to be comfortable and uncomfortable. I get to be happy and sad. I get…to be.


When is the last time you allowed yourself to JUST BE?


Need help giving yourself Grace? Try my course, “Stress and Overwhelm: Causes, Coping and Cures.” It contains a meditation practice designed to help you process a feeling, which is the beginning of the journey to grace. 


Better yet, book a call. I am a stress management coach for people in health care. As practitioners, learning to give ourselves grace opens the door to peace and calm at work, no matter what is happening. 

Even after all this time,
The Sun never says to the Earth,
“You owe me.”
Look what happens with a love like that. It lights up the whole sky.
– Hafiz

Want to know more about what I do? Try my new course,

"Stress and Overwhelm: Causes, Cures and Coping."

In it you will find neuroscience, practices and my signature sense of humor. All at your fingertips in the Kajabi app.



I also offer 1:1 coaching for physical therapists and other people in health care who want to love their life, jobs and career again. If you’ve been thinking, “All I need is a new job, new career, new something and I’ll feel better”… I can help you feel better right now, right HERE. 


Click the link to book a free 45 minute stress-assessment call and get started on your unique plan. 




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