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Fall in New England

tangible techniques Jul 09, 2022

It’s fall in New England. The leaves are changing, the air is crisp and cool, and it’s almost time to turn the clocks back. I love summer, but when September hits, I’m over the heat and humidity and just waiting for some crisp nights and brightly colored trees. I have lots of friends who wish summer was longer…wish for NOT having the seasons change, snow, or long dark nights. But what does that get them?


I do my best to enjoy summer while it’s here, thank it for the fun times and great weather, then look forward to what’s good about fall and yes, even winter. Wishing summer would last longer, well, that never works. Arguing with the weather and the seasons in New England, is not a good use of my time or brain space. 


Are you wishing something in your life was different? I think goals and change are great, they keep us moving forward and help us enjoy new things and new experiences. But are you setting goals or just wishing things would be if changing THIS ONE THING will change everything?


The reality is, seasons change here in New England. The reality is, people are people, and they only change when they want to, not when you think they should. The reality is, sometimes the refrigerator breaks, and the coffee maker overflows. Arguing with reality makes me tired and cranky and frustrated.


What about acceptance? I accept that fall has arrived….I actually enjoy it. I’m enjoying the fire right now. I'm looking at some beautiful trees and amazing foliage right outside my window.  I accept that right now, my dog is getting older and less mobile and soon, it’s going to be his time. Arguing with any of these facts creates so much fatigue in my mind and ultimately my body. 


What are the facts in your life right now? Are you arguing with any of them? WHY?? Why do you want them to be different?


People who don’t like winter often think all their problems will be solved if it just didn’t snow. But won’t you still have people in your life who don’t do what you think they should do, whether it snows or not? Won’t you still have to pay the electric bill and watch your dog age, whether it snows or not? Sure,  it might be easier if it didn’t snow…no shoveling or snow blowing, no car accidents, no lost time at school or work. However, my whole life won’t be altered if it doesn’t snow. All my “problems” will still be “problems” …. Snow or not. 


So, whatever it is that you have after, “If only….” - ask yourself:

1. Will my ENTIRE life REALLY be different if only?

2. What would it be like if I STOPPED wondering “If only” and started asking, “How can I enjoy it, JUST LIKE THIS?


Book a discovery call with me and we can unpack all of your, "If onlys...." and see how we can alter your own reality about them.


"Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go." - Unknown


Want to know more about what I do? Try my new course,

"Stress and Overwhelm: Causes, Cures and Coping."

In it you will find neuroscience, practices and my signature sense of humor. All at your fingertips in the Kajabi app.



I also offer 1:1 coaching for physical therapists and other people in health care who want to love their life, jobs and career again. If you’ve been thinking, “All I need is a new job, new career, new something and I’ll feel better”… I can help you feel better right now, right HERE. 


Click the link to book a free 45 minute stress-assessment call and get started on your unique plan. 




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